What happens in a session


Together we create a safe and comfortable environment, where you can talk openly and honestly about any issue you may be having without the fear of being shamed or judged. This is my only goal in our work together. I have no other agenda.

Sessions are generally an hour long and can be held over Zoom or in person at my clinic room in the Lower Kaimai’s, Tauranga. Our time together will be a combination of talking, body work (if you feel it is valuable and useful to your journey) and somatic practices, which are simple yet effective practices working with movement, breath, sound, touch and placement of awareness.

Somatic exercises bring the focus of attention from the mind and back into the body. They can be effective in helping emotions process and move through the body, supporting the creation of long lasting change.

Somatic Sexuality Sessions are client led, co-created and never the same. My role is to meet you empathetically, congruently and with unconditional positive regard, wherever you are in your journey, each time we meet.

A note about body work …

Being certified to touch people, including their genitals, requires a deep understanding of our humanness and an ability to listen beneath a persons words, to the story their body is telling.

Body work can be a powerful way of negating shame and perceived judgments, either from self or others, which can riddle our lives with fear and anxiousness. This process needs to be paced in a way that keeps a persons nervous system feeling safe and open.

Consent, therefore, underpins all of my work. I value somatic consent, meaning I listen to your body as well as your words.

Touch is only ever one way. From me, the practitioner, to you, the client. Gloves are worn at all times.

All touch is supplied with a learning intention in mind and although pleasure is not the objective, it certainly shows up often on my table!

— What people are saying —

Terri provided a warm and comforting atmosphere for me. We had a very good talk at the beginning of my session to clarify what I really needed and to help me drop into a body space. Terri asked questions that invited curiosity and creativity within my body and felt the possibilities for change and movement in my body. She approached my physical and emotional self with sensitivity and respect and really listened to every part of me as we moved into deeper work. I felt totally safe and relaxed in her presence and very able to work through the issues I wanted to. There was a wonderful element of surprise and welcoming unknown territory and breakthroughs which I really loved. I had the time and space to integrate my session before I left and felt very whole and complete and soft as I drive home. I will definitely be seeing her again