Free Resources

Self Pleasure Spotify playlist

Those that work with me know that I’m ALL about self pleasure. Here's my favourite playlist for you to enjoy !



Intersex Trust Aotearoa New Zealand (ITANZ) 

ITANZ is a New Zealand-registered charitable trust that provides information, education and training for organisations and professionals who provide services to intersex people and their families.

Intersex Youth Aotearoa (IYA) 

Intersex Youth Aotearoa is a place for all people with intersex variations, and their whānau and friends to share information, find support and network with each other. 


InsideOUT works with youth, whānau, schools, community groups, youth services, government agencies and other relevant organisations to provide safer schools and communities for young people of minority sexualities, sexes and genders. Phone 027 331 4507.

Gender Minorities Aotearoa 

Gender Minorities Aotearoa is a cross-cultural, transgender-led organisation that operates on a kaupapa Māori public health framework. Its activities include research, providing information and resources, advocacy, education and training, operating services for gender minorities and providing support for takataapui, transgender and intersex people, and referrals to other services. 

Transgender and Intersex NZ 

The Facebook group is the largest online transgender community support group with a New Zealand-based membership. This group is primarily for sharing information between people of diverse genders and sex characteristics, and has a secondary focus on supporting parents and whānau as well as those who work with trans people and supportive others. 

Agenda New Zealand  

A national support group for transgender people, their partners and families with regional contacts in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Manawatu, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. 

TransAdvocates Health  

With patchy healthcare and often poor service for trans people in New Zealand, TransAdvocates Health is a Facebook page where members can share information in a confidential forum. 

NZ Trans Guys is a group for people born or living in Aotearoa/New Zealand, assigned female or intersex at birth, but who identify outside of that, including but not limited to transgender, transsexual, ftm, f2m, tangatairatane, mtm, male, taane; genderqueer, trannyboy, transman, 3rd gender, bi-gendered. Contact NZTG at 

Portal support for NZ parents of transgender and gender diverse children 

A Facebook group offering support for parents with children who are gender questioning or gender diverse. Email contact at 

Naming NZ 

An organisation to help transgender, gender diverse and intersex youth with updating identity documents to correctly reflect their sex and gender.

Body Positive

Provides a broad range of services for people living with HIV in an attempt to break down the sense of isolation HIV+ people often experience and to build a sense of community. Phone 0800 448 5463.

NZ AIDS Foundation

NZAF has a vision of an Aotearoa with zero HIV transmission where people living with or affected by HIV flourish and a mission to prevent transmission, reduce stigma and maximise the well-being. Phone 0800 802 437.

Freephone 0800 OUTLINE (0800 688 5463). Gay/lesbian phone counselling, myths and stereotypes debunked, face to face counselling, sex information, events, coming out guide, frequently asked questions and more.

Rainbow Youth 
Support queer and gender diverse youth aged 13-27 including through an Asian peer support group. Phone (09)3764155.

Rainbow Youth peer support groups 
Peer-based local support groups for queer and gender diverse youth across Auckland, Northland and the Bay of Plenty. 

Intersex Trust Aotearoa NZ 
A New Zealand registered charitable trust and provides information, education and training for organisations and professionals who provide services to intersex people and their families. Phone 027 2812221.


Hauora tahine – pathways to transgender healthcare 

Hauora tahine provides secondary services that provide gender-affirming healthcare for transgender and gender diverse people across the Northern Region DHBS (Northland, Waitematā, Auckland and Counties Manukau).


F’INE (fee-neh) is a Pasifika LGBTQI-focused provider, providing whānau ora navigational services in the Auckland region.

Bay of Plenty LGBTQI Support Group 

This forum is to support, encourage, inspire and share interests and hobbies with LGBTQI in the Bay of Plenty and around the motu.  

Genderbridge NZ 

Genderbridge is a trans community organisation providing support to transgender/gender diverse people, whānau and friends throughout Auckland. They hold meetings every second Tuesday at Rainbow Youth, 11 Edinburgh St,  Auckland Central. 

T35+ is a facilitated social/support group for trans women over the age of 35 that meets weekly. Phone OUTLine NZ 0800 688 5463 for contact information.

Beyond Binary 

This is a Hamilton-based group for young people (35 years and under) who identify beyond the gender binary, including but not limited to transgender, fa'afafine, whakawhine, tangatairatane, intersex, two-spirits, ultra-sex, genderqueer, non-gendered and questioning. To find out the date and venue of meetings or for more information email or text Skylar at 022 538 2564. 


Wellington-based support for Māori trans whanau, including mentoring for female-to-male (FtM) people.


A Wellington support group for gender diverse young people aged 30 years and under.

Wellington Binder Exchange and Willis St Physiotherapy Information and services to minimise the risk of pain and injury associated with binding, corsets, changes to gait and posture, and surgery.

Canterbury Trans 

A Facebook page supporting transgender people from across the gender spectrum, including FtM, MtF, intersex, transsexual, cross-dresser, whakawahine, fa'afafine, transvestite, transgenderist, androgyne, gender-queer. 

Tranzaction NZ 

Tranzaction is a Christchurch-based support and advocacy group, concentrating on the trans community, and to support and educate the families and friends of trans people. 

Forge is a network for trans and gender-diverse youth in Christchurch and Dunedin that meets in Christchurch. Contact the group at

SouthTrans NZ 

A Facebook support group for trans people who live in Dunedin and the surrounding areas.


Auckland Sexual Health Service 

Freephone 0800 739 432. Provides free, confidential sexual health care that is client focused and culturally appropriate. Offers education programmes, counselling, peer support training and more.

New Zealand Aids Foundation

Freephone 0800 802 437. Answers to frequently asked questions about HIV in New Zealand, including prevention, testing, counselling, support for people living with HIV, personal stories and much more.

New Zealand Herpes Foundation

Freephone 0508 11 12 13. Provides a list of sexual health clinics around NZ, variety of patient information and much more. 

Family Planning 

Phone (04) 384 4349. Information to help you understand your sexual and reproductive health that is New Zealand-focussed and medically accurate.

The NZ HPV (human papilloma virus) Project 

Freephone 0508 11 12 13. Provides a variety of educational information – vaccination, facts, medical treatment, booklets, patient information, frequently asked questions and more.



Free call or text 1737 anytime, 24 hours a day to talk or text with a trained counsellor.

Anxiety NZ 

Phone (09) 846 9776 or freephone 0800 ANXIETY (0800 269 4389) day or night. Support for family members or friends of people living with anxiety disorders and related issues.

Asian Family Services 

0800 862 342 Professional, confidential, nationwide face-to-face or telephone support to Asians living in New Zealand.

MHAPS (Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support)

Phone  (03) 366 5815 for one-to-one and group peer support and Recovery Works programme to understand and manage moderate anxiety. Also offered are wellness recovery action planning courses, breathing & relaxation and mindfulness classes and a library of books relevant to anxiety management.

Mental Health Foundation of NZ 

Phone (09) 623 4812 (Auckland) or (03) 366 6936 (Christchurch). Information on mental health conditions, where to get help and how to support those you love and care about.

Wellington Anxiety Specialists 

Phone (04) 386 3861. A variety of therapy techniques for both adults and children and adolescents.